Monday, November 27, 2006

Jackson's First Birthday

Though Jackson spent his 1st Birthday in Germany, we decided that it wouldn't be right if we didn't celebrate witha birthday cake. A few weeks ago, we celebrated the right way and let him chow down on his first birthday cake. Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

So much to tell you!

We are finally home from our trip over seas. It was a wonderful trip. We saw so much in the time we were was a whirlwind but a fabulous vacation and great to see Brock's parents. I swear we saw everything there was to see in Germany, plus a little of France and Austria. Frankfurt, Koln, Triberg, Titisee, Salzburg, Strassbourg, Rottenburg, Heidelburg...all the Burg's!! The country is beautfiul, filled with lots of castles and romantic streets. The pictures just don't do it justice. I'll finish posting my pictures online, but here are a few of my favorites. I included some from the Sound of Music tour...I thought you'd enjoy!!

Oh yah...and for those of you who haven't figured it out're going to be Aunts and Uncles again. I'm due May 17th!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Such is Life

As promised, here are some new pictures of Milly. Sorry that some of them are a little blurry! We don't have a fabulous camera like some of you! Milly can now sit, lay down and stay. She still stuggles with her lease. She would rather chew it than go on a walk. Casey is still her favorite chew toy!
As for Kevin and I, we are doing well. Kevin had chemo last week (as you already knew) and had to speak in church, set apart 7 people, and get tithing entered. All in all, he was at church for about 6 hours. What a trooper. The Lord has surely blessed us in our trials! Kevin still looks pretty good for having a week of chemo. We are still waiting for him to lose his hair. I pull out 5 or 6 hairs each day. If only we all had such nicely shaped heads!

We are so lucky to have nurses among us--namely mom! She took such good care of us this past week. We are glad to be so close and to be able to stay at Mom and Dad's. We aren't the easiest house guests, but I think everyone survived!

School is, well, school. The kids are still chatty as ever! I have tried all the tricks I know, and things seem to be getting a little better. I guess time will tell. Construction starts on the school next week, so now we will have tons of noise right outside our window. That will be lovely, I am sure!

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers! We love you all!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

End of summer...blues?

This Saturday is the last day I can use my Cherry Hill pass. As much as Jackson and I would like to go one more time, our day will be filled with BYU Football (which is a good thing too)! Without Cherry Hill to fill the days, I'm feeling a little blue...that was kindof my life-saver living up here in the FAR North :)! I loved that we all gotto be together. I loved having Allie, Troy and Katelyn here for awhile, Tera and Kevin off for the summer, Mom, Kelsi and Keegan home, and for the first time I wasn't working for the summer (wishing Brock & Dad weren't). I love the family vacations, the BBQ's, lunch up the canyon, boating, wake-boarding (I can say that now), swimming, stayinig out late because it's still light outside, being a nice shade of tan instead of pasty white, Millie being little...I could keep going. Thinking of this makes me a little sad. However....attempting to be positive, I am very excited for Fall. There is just something about the changing colors, the crispness in the air that I just Love. As much as I wish we were all in Provo, knowing we're all busy with our own things makes it easier for me to get involved up here, actually accomplish things and feel like I have a life. Another thing to look forward to is the fact that the bees will go away!!
I'm actually getting the domestic bug...believe it or not, I can't stand when my house is messy. Especially when there's Jackson's leftovers all over the floor. I have to sweep three times a day! I'm considering canning peaches, since we have delicious peaches on our tree! Maybe I'll even start sewing again :)
I want to say thanks again to everyone for helping me when I got my gallbladder out. I'm feeling a huge difference today than I did a week ago!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Baby Signing Time

Kim, I will be forever grateful for introducing us to Baby Signing Time. Troy thinks otherwise (he cringes everytime I flip it on, only because he gets the songs stuck in his head and starts singing them at school!) :) But with 6 teeth now trying to break through and a very tired and grouchy Katelyn, Baby Signing time has saved me! She starts squealing the second she hears the music and runs into the living room with a big grin on her face. It is so cute! She has even learned to sign a few things just from watching it this week! She can sign "eat", "bird", "fish", "dog", and "all done". If we start singing any of the songs, she starts doing all the signs she knows how. It really is funny. I forgot that we had it but I am sure glad we do because she loves it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Katelyn has 4 teeth now, with 4 more on the way!... It doesn't make for a very happy baby! She never sleeps and likes to make us as miserable as she is in the night! Just wanted to post some pics... we would love to see more pics of you all, including Milly!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Brock Graduates*

*(kind of... I still have one
moretest to take) ;)

Yesterday was an exciting
and relieving day in the
Blake family. After catching
the entrepreneurial bug,
most people didn't think
that I was ever going to
graduate. With Kim's help
and reminders, I have
been studying at night
to finish up my last
independent study class.
To be honest, I can't stand
the subject or the class...
so Kim's motivation is really
what helped me get it over with.

Anyway, it's over now and
I'm grateful for the
learning experience I had
at BYU. BYU is a sacred
school that is dear to my heart.
I can honestly say that the
greatest lessons that I learned
were outside the classroom.

Thanks again to Mom for coming to Graduation and for the generous gift! Tera and Kevin, the cake was delicious! You know just what I like!

Go Cougs!

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